Sunday, April 21, 2013

To be or not to be

On a day when faith fails to befriend you
and rubs in the last straw of helplessness,
that day, you know,
life doesn't sing lullabies when you want it to.

On a day when sorrow has no bounds
and pain is your only solace,
that day, you know,
hope doesn't look in the eye, it outlooks you.

On a day when you dwell in those past moments 
of rage and happiness,
that day, you know,
time doesn't gift, it only shifts and drifts.

On a day when you search for a reason
to live beyond,
that day, you know,
dreams don't play dice.

I ask myself,
To be or not to be?
You may live long enough 
to do what you do,
but when the sun sets on you,
rise you must, beyond the eyes of your soul.

Copyright © 19 Apr 2013, by Abhilash Hegde
All Rights Reserved

Smoke from their Pyres

held the gun
at point blank
and left
the moment
to trigger.

threw up
in air,
not to see
the smoke.

Dead were
my brothers
and win
on my side.

on their pyres
with the medallion
on my bossom.

Copyright © 29 Aug 2007, by Abhilash Hegde
All Rights Reserved

Silent Nights

I often stood by the window sill
and awaited till the moon
mirrored her lynching eyes.

The road down the street
always wore the color of black pearl
that she dearly wished for.

The cold breeze from far north
often smelled of her cushy suave skin
that bosomed my crave
for her beguiling charms.

The hush night always hummed to me
in a dulcet voice,
resounding the words
that she lent meaning to.

The raindrops often smothered
my pale cheeks
and coursed down my lips
rinsing her tantalizing presence
until I surrendered all of me.

The pages of the dairy
that lay unopened
are the only stack of aging papers
that 'll stay alive to
recite the tale of silent nights
in a deluge of
broken words and incomplete sentences.

Copyright © 23 Sep 2008, by Abhilash Hegde
All Rights Reserved

Of her charming ways

Of her dulcet voice
in those green meadows,
of the little butterflies like
she spread her arms
to sweep those
innocent ripples
of my eyes.

Of the roaring seas
in those jazzy waves,
she galloped
bare foot with a torch
of dangling flames
setting the sun
in her eyes.

Of the scent of jasmine
and the shine of silk,
she broke
the defences of me
and touched me
of her soft milky shin.

Of the carpet of blue sky
and the wings of clouds
she twined my wrist
in her moon eyed bracelet
like a fairy of edens
unto the gates of paradise.

Copyright © 10 Oct 2007, by Abhilash Hegde
All Rights Reserved

In the eye of her trance

I drink from
the crystal laced eyes
of yours,
as they coerce me
in it's enchanting splendour.

Don't let the eyes
to look at me,
in mischievously
nerving ways,
I'm afraid
if it would
rob all of me
that I ever had.

The goblet
of sugared nectar
held in your eyes
oozes out
like the morning dew drops
washing me in
unbearable lightness.

Don't let my soul
to rest in peace
with just one glint
of you,
I want to die
in it's irresistible tease
so that,
I can rise again
to be teased
until I die
again and again...

Copyright © 31 Oct 2007, by Abhilash Hegde
All Rights Reserved

Inked in her Expressions

The auburn titter
of the fresh maple leaves
that turned the wind south,
waited all along under the sun
to catch a glimpse
of her pearl lit smile
that silenced the time.

The astral glow
of the shivering crescent moon
that mirrored a million hearts,
skipped a heartbeat
when her silver bathed anklets
jingled to jive
a thousand notes of music.

The piercing incense
of the white morning mist,
that concealed it's shimmering eyes,
woke up to see her,
letting the silks of black hair
that swirled in air
to kiss the light of the day.

The meandering ripples
of the river down the valley,
that hunted the nature in verve ,
took down a bow
in reverence of her presence
to tear open the sky all blue.

Copyright © 12 Jan 2008, by Abhilash Hegde
All Rights Reserved