Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pegs And Mugs

Gabbled I,
In a grin with the mug.
Serve me a peg, nomore
As I swore not anymore...

Waiter at the Inn,
Rolled in a keg of Gin.
Gabbled I again,
Ye, You hairy pug,
Where's my mug?

Dressed in the red tee,
The white turky He
Swore and smirked in glee.
Sir, "Would you like it in shots?"
And I swinged my head, hearing it lots...

Come again,I said in rush.
In a habitual tone of a lush.
I swore again,
Serve me a peg, nomore
As my tongues sore
And I smelled more...

Drops made their way
Into my mug in spree.
And I gulped it,yee...

I was high and sloshed,
Eyes brimmed and dimmed.
I held the mug in hand.
And Surveyed a quick glance to find
A gorgeous lady in pink
With her eyes fixed on my drink.

I offered my drink
And Obliged she in wink
To dance and tink.
Humming and strumming
We did a Salsa and a Tango,
Oops! Like the numbered balls in Bingo,
There I Tripped and rolled.
And crashed at the bosom
Of the woman next to the pole.

Dead meat was I
With black and blue eyes.
Tie hanging by the neck.
Hairs dangling to the drums at deck.
Ears jarring to the whips of metal.
Garbs tattered and gibed in brittle.
Hands and legs feeling the lash of the kettle,
I groped for my table to settle.

Gabbled again I,
In a fret with the mug.
Serve me a peg, nomore
As I swore not anymore...

Copyright © 17 April 2007, by Abhilash Hegde
All Rights Reserved

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