Saturday, March 31, 2007

Ah! Not Again...

I sneak out with the house keys at 11'.
Folks asleep,
The Watchman's at the floor,
Doing his security rounds,
Blind Date at 12' 
Ah! not again...

I zoom on my bike,
Engine chugs,brakes fail.
I Ram into the signal post,
Cops,bent bike and the fine.
Ah! not again...

I walk by the street,
To catch the bus,
Boots trip on the banana peel,
Bottoms bruised, hairs stung.
Ah! not again...

I hit the pub at 1'.
Look for my blind date,
There she goes
My aunt nearby.
Ah! not again... 

I sit sober with the mug of beer,
Bladder feels heavy,
I run to pee,
Door's jammed and the Zip's stuck, 
Ah! not again... 

I wait by the taxi stand at 2'.
A rogue stares and the gay smiles,
One's behind with the gun,
The other, bent on my ass,
Ah! not again...

I reach my apartment building at 3'.
Too tired to take the stairs,
I take the elevator to floor 10.
Power goes out,
Stuck at 5th,
Folks wake up at 5'.

Ah! not again...

Copyright © 29 Nov 2006 , by Abhilash Hegde
All Rights Reserved


ankurindia said...

very nice blog

Taurean Trampling said...

Hehehehehe............the one with the rogue and the gay.....hmmm.....well wondering what abhilash hegde felt with that gay experience..........LOLZzzzzzzzzz.......Neyways Ah Not again is a good one.......Keep it up!!!!!Moral of the story: No more blind dates!!!!!!!Be a good boy!!!!Ok Ok ....Now dont say Priya and her advices Ah Not again........

Anonymous said...


That was an amazing piece of art. Real fun to read.

Keep it up, Abhi!

Akil said...

a real aaaa,oooo and ouch poem! [:)]

Vishal Kumar said...

lolzz....ah..not again...enjoyed it!!

Mudhoora said...

cHUK CHUK CHUK.........ah ,not again.......lolz............just too good.......